fresh. local. u-pick.
Meet your Farmers

Welcome and nice to meet you! We are the new farmers here and let us be the first to tell you, we could never have imagined this is where we would be led. Life is so whimsical that way! Last year we knew the Lord was preparing us for something big, but did not know how until we saw a forever dream become a reality in this beautiful piece of land. The dream that Farmer Troy and Rhonda started sparked not only a future for us but a beautiful friendship. We plan to continue stewarding the earth just like they did moving forward with flowers and berries and lots of learning along the way!
The goal for this farm is to be a blessing to everyone that cuts a flower, eats an in-season blueberry, strolls through the sunflowers, or takes a memorable photo in our fields. But the truth is, we are the ones completely humbled and blessed by you. We’re thrilled you’ve found us and we look forward to meeting you on the farm!
My name is Holly and I grew up in a small town in rural Illinois, and came up here for work as an RN at mother Mayo where I met my husband! Gedney grew up in upstate New York, he has so many fond memories of picking blueberries with his sister, father, and grandma. And his family even grows flowers too! The fact this place existed for us is truly a gift from God! Dreams happen. Keep an eye out for some loud, crazy and happy little ones running around! Gabriel and Harvest are our two children running around and there is currently another on the way!
​We are just stewards of this beautiful land and God gets all the glory for it! Serving others is our goal as we grow into this new dream and being faithful to what we’ve been given and a blessing to all those who want to share in the fruit of our labor is why we are here. WE LOVE IT HERE and we know you will too. God Bless you!
Until we meet, explore all our offerings! Subscribe to our newsletter and become a friend of the farm. Now go get your hands in some dirt and some sunshine on your face!
Holly and Gedney